When I look back to the time when I was planning my wedding it is full of great memories and I always just want to rewind to that time because it was so fun and exciting. I just want to emphasize again how important it is to relax and enjoy that time because it only happens once. It is such a special time and you are getting ready to have your whole life change. I once read some advice to take ten minutes each day to meditate and I think it is so important. Next time you are feeling stressed just go sit in a quit place, lay down, close your eyes, and only think positive thoughts. Often times girls are so hard on themselves and that is no good. This should be a time to think of all the things you love about yourself. I promise that when you feel happy and love yourself you will be able to enjoy life more and others will enjoy you more. No one wants to deal with a cranky pants. Another favorite way of mine to relax is using lavender oil. My mom gave me some a few months ago and whenever I am feeling stressed I just breathe some in and but some on my forehead and neck and just try to relax. Recently on beingisbeautiful she shared how she enjoys taking relaxing baths with epsom salt. I too do this and if you haven't tried it I would highly recommend it. Take some time for you to relax and you will feel better and be able to enjoy this exciting time. I am a big believer that when you are exercising, eating healthy, thinking positively, and taking some "you" time you will feel so much happier about yourself and life. It is so easy to get caught up in things and stressed out and then time flies by and you regret having a bad attitude. That is such a waste of time and when planning a wedding, no regrets are allowed. It is the happiest time and you need to enjoy every moment. Everything works out and the wedding day flies by unfortunately. My husband and I love looking at our wedding photos and video and love to relive that day because it truly was the best day of our lives. There is not a thing I would have changed about our wedding. It is filled with so many precious memories and I am so glad that everyone told me all this advice beforehand. I made sure to just take it all in and enjoy every minute of that special day!!! Woo woo
Ok so another favorite blog of mine is So Delushious and it is written by Chrissy Teigen. She is a model that is full of personality. She is a food lover but has tried to keep her diet delicious and healthy. She shares her tips to stay lean but still enjoy delicious food. She knows how miserable it is to deprive yourself so she has made it her mission to share meals that satisfy our cravings. Once again it is no fun to feel starving, deprived, and cranky. It is so important to develop a healthy lifestyle that satisfies your needs. Chrissy is also planning a wedding and she looks amazing so I am willing to try any tips she gives. Take a look at her blog and I can guarantee she will make you laugh. She is a stunning model and when you read her blog you fell like she is so relatable and she totally understands the struggles girls go through. She is trying to find balance in her diet and refuses to be miserable. This is so important because happiness comes from within and you have to be able to enjoy your healthy lifestyle. Here are some more lovely wedding idea pictures from Pinterest!
xoxo- Paige